Home > Uncategorized > The Consolation Dish/But I Can Boil Water

The Consolation Dish/But I Can Boil Water

The Office Holiday Potluck is this Friday. As I never get home before 9pm and generally don’t cook without a kitchen to call my own (hover much, Dad?), I have been charged with/shamed into bringing…the green salad.

Everyone else is bringing their specialty, such as crab cakes and baked ziti and champagne chicken. In the past, I have made muffins and cake and a good pan tomato sauce, popovers, pancakes, dal (yes, I made dal once!), turkey-spinach meatballs, roasted squash, cauliflower in anchovy sauce, pan fried tofu, chili, stew, etc., but…these days, I don’t have a specialty, per se.

Typical…I can break 4 boards with a spinning back kick, but the logistics involved in making a dish for the office potluck can throw me. All the same, if the Flying Spaghetti Monster had really meant for me to cook, He wouldn’t have created ALL THE RESTAURANTS IN MANHATTAN.

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